Designing a Filofax

Although this is a new topic to this blog, I regularly used to write about my Filofax on my old blog (you can read about those posts here). I used to love my Filofaxes but for more than a year they have sat neglected on my shelf. I miss them, however they were not working for me.

I have never been a fan of anything bigger than A5 size. I think A4 always intimidates me. That big blank empty page and the need to fill it…I just have never liked it. I used to favour A5 for writing notes for university, but an A5 filofax can be heavy and too heavy for me to carry to and from uni with the bag load of books I used to carry around with me as well.

The next size down filofax traditionally sold was the personal size. It’s not a standard A-size. It is taller and narrow – fantastic for lists but I never really liked the size for writing notes.

My personal favourite is the A6 size. I find A6 paper the best for jotting down notes and using as a diary. I have two A6 size filofaxes, those were actually made by Van der Spek, because A6 is not a size filofax accommodates. I love these planners, but for an A6 size they are just so big. It feels like almost like an A5 in terms of size, although thankfully not the weight. I bought a new bag which I adore and use it all the time – but it could only JUST fit in my filofax, with no room to spare. So I abandoned the Filofax and after a fruitless search for an TRUE A6 size paper planner (they must exist surely?), I settled for using an A5 Lechttrum. It doesn’t go with me alot of the time, it stays at home which defeats the point of using it.

I want a planner again, with rings but I don’t want the bulk. Luckily Van der Spek provide the option of designing your own planner. I once entered a competition to design a filofax. Whilst I like the idea of the design it just would not work for me.

My entry

So I feel the only way for me to get back into rings, and to use a Filofax again is to design my own…which is a bit intimidating for me. What if I spend the time and money making a planner and then it STILL doesn’t work for me and what I want from it.

That is why I am writing this post, to the Filofax and Van der Spek community.

I am asking for advice, have you made a customised Van der Spek? What were the lessons you made from making one? What do you wish you had learnt before taking the plunge to design them.

Also…what are your MUST HAVE features for a planner, if you could only pick ONE aspect of a planner (ie. Pen loop, card slots, pockets, ring protectors) what would you pick? What do you need from a planner?

Please spam me with your thoughts and for those of you in Lockdown, bored and would like to help design a minimalist A6 planner, please show me your ideas.